December 15, 2023 5:47 pm

#RiverTailsGame Screenshot Contest

Hello everyone!
As of December 14th 2023, River Tails: Stronger Together has officially released!!
To celebrate the much-anticipated full release, we’ll be holding a #RiverTailsGame screenshot contest with the chance to win wonderful prizes!



1. Take an in-game screenshot playing River Tails: Stronger Together!
It’s entirely up to you what to take a scrreenshot of: it could be your favorite stage, or scene… the more creative the better!
Since River Tails also has a demo available, it’s fine if you take a screenshot from there! You can download it here!
2. Be sure to post the screenshot onto X (Twitter) using the hashtag #RiverTailsGame.
3. Follow @start_gravityEN !



Start: 2023/12/15 UTC
End: 2024/1/31UTC
※Winners will be announced in February.



The developers of the game, Kid Onion Studio, will judge the entries and select the winners from among the submitted creations.
By entering this contest, you agree to be bound by the decisions of Kid Onion Studio.



10 winners in total:
[Steam DLC] The Art of River Tails: Stronger Together (10 people)



1. Only 1 screenshot is allowed for your entry.
2. Please include your X (Twitter) username in the screenhot.
3. If the same/similar pictures are submitted, the user who posted it first will be eligible for the contest.

© 2023 Gravity Game Arise Co., Ltd – © Kid Onion Studio s.r.l.s.